Greg Schwartz, MD
Greg Schwartz for Massachusetts State Representative

My name is Greg Schwartz and I am running to be your next State Representative from the 12th Middlesex district.

The 12th Middlesex district includes Newton’s Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 7 Precinct 1, and Ward 8; and within the Town of Brookline, Precincts 5, 13A, 14, and 15.

If elected, I will be the only medical doctor in the entire Massachusetts State Legislature. That matters because our state legislature plays a significant role in regulating all aspects of healthcare, from cost to access to quality. Every day, I see the limitations of our system: people not being able to access a primary care doctor or specialist, patients left waiting in the ER for care, people putting off care due to being uninsured or underinsured, just to name a few.

So many state-level issues are related to our health, including climate change, transportation, education, and affordable housing. My background as a healthcare provider will allow me to have a people-focused approach to these issues.

As a primary care physician, my job is to lead with empathy and compassion while analyzing a problem and formulating a solution in order to help my patients be happier and healthier. That is the perspective I will bring to the state legislature.

​Please reach out with any questions or comments, I look forward to hearing from you, and meeting you as I knock on every door in the district over the next few months!

Greg discussing local issues with resident
Lobbying Congress with Fellow Doctors in Washington DC
Greg and daughter go door to door